Paris Design Week - Maison&Objet

We will receive you in our showroom 18 rue des Saints-Pères in Paris every day from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
and Sunday september 8 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., the opportunity to discover our new products... See you soon.

Panoramic wallpaper logo

The latest creations

Panoramic wallpaper

The launch of a new panoramic wallpaper is always a moment of pleasure… Ananbô does not surf on trends but on desire. Desire to dress up your universe, your house or your apartment with a top-of-the-range, unique and refined panoramic wallpaper. Ananbô for more than 10 years is a family house passed master in the art of the landscape. The creation of these wallpapers requires months of work.

From the model to the work that you install in your home, we relentlessly seek harmony and beauty: the expert brushes of our decorating painters, the discerning eye of the artistic direction, the color tests, the patinas , the precision of the printing workshop. More and more of you are asking Ananbô for the realization of your projects, we are happy and honored. We are carried by your requests and your encouragement, your compliments and the happiness that you feel living in our decor.

> The images of our designs are non-contractual

Chaque pièce est un voyage…
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