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Children's bedroom collection

Panoramic wallpaper

A collection of panoramic wallpapers that plunges us into the world of illustration, a field of all possibilities, of joyful imagination, of magic. The world is our source of inspiration. The panoramic setting in a radiant cosmos! Drawings, ornaments, vignettes, paintings, sketches… The SiBô collection begins at Ananbô with the Shalanâ collection designed by Ariane Butto, others will follow from September on a dedicated site, to be discovered very soon.

Let’s continue the journey … It’s a story of elephants, tigers and black panthers with a kindly, mischievous appearance; tales for children, but also for adults … It is so beautiful! You can visit us and see the design in our Paris showroom at 18 Rue des Saints-Pères, 75007 Paris.


A   N  A  N  B  Ô
A r i a n e   B u t t o

Ariane Butto, a Parisian illustrator, has designed a collection of seven panoramic murals for Ananbô. The style is rich and colourful, bordering on naïve art, engraving and gouache. A joyful ode to travel, with an atmosphere of exotic tales. Ariane paints landscapes in gouache, sometimes from her imagination, sometimes from her travels in Asia. She likes to keep the slight imperfections of her handmade work, so as to create poetic, colourful tales. Birds, women and felines are her favourite subjects, which she likes to bring together in the depths of lush jungles.

> The images of our designs are non-contractual

Chaque pièce est un voyage…
Voir le panier


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