La Maison Ananbô

How can I find out more about La Maison Ananbô ?

We invite you to consult the page “The House of Ananbô“. 

What is Ananbô’s sustainability policy ?

Ananbô uses fully biodegradable packaging for its shipments (cardboard, packing particles, adhesive tape and kraft paper), made from recycled paper that adheres to the FSC standard (packaging from responsible sources).

The biodegradable packing chips are “S” shaped and made from natural corn starch – the ultimate eco-friendly packing chip.

These chips are made from corn starch (non-GMO), replacing traditional polystyrene, and degrade naturally in the presence of air or water, without toxic fumes, and are compostable.

Remember to recycle your Ananbô packaging.

What is Ananbô doing to combat counterfeiting ?

Ananbô is very active in helping to combat counterfeiting.  A team of lawyers who specialise in defending intellectual property is responsible for protecting the creations of Ananbô, Ananbô Couture Paris and the Sibô Collection and protecting them against any infringement.  The activities undertaken by this team are many (preventive, amicable and judicial).  These activities are carried out worldwide with a particular focus on the Internet, which is now the primary vector for the sale of counterfeit products. 
You can help us in this fight by reporting any counterfeit goods by e-mail to

Chaque pièce est un voyage...

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