La maison

Ananbô, designer and publisher of panoramic wallpapers.

A French, family-run company,
independent and creative,
located in Gironde in the middle of the vineyards

The love of beauty and the passion for travel give birth to intense collections, that bring strength and depth to our interiors…


Conducted by Marie-Maud Levron
Photos Crédits  Cécile Perrinet Lhermitte,

Hello Anne, you are the founder, designer and artistic director of the brand. How did the idea for the first collections of Ananbô panoramic wallpapers come about?

Dress up houses, decorate, make me happy. It was above all for me, for my house. I will never create a setting that I would not like to pose at home.

Where does this taste for decoration come from, how did your eye sharpen in the course of your life?

I decorated a lot, I had many apartments and houses, I moved out a lot. My mother had a lot of taste, in the 70s, she was a subscriber to Art and decoration, we liked to discuss color and we spent our lives repainting furniture and walls, moving rooms and creating new atmospheres, with few things we were transforming the house. I have kept the taste, these are beautiful memories. I still remember the wallpaper we had chosen for my room. I must have been 10 or 11 years old, I can still visualize it.
And then I grew up, I left the big family house to find myself in a Parisian studio for my studies. At that time, I started to make my own furniture… I remember a shell coffee table à la Thomas Boog I created back from a trip to the Pacific!

What are, at the genesis of your collections, your sources of inspiration, themes of predilection…

In the early 80s, the discovery of Southeast Asia was a revelation. There was a shop called «Le Monde Sauvage» (the only one at that time) near Les Halles, I spent hours there. Just the name of the shop made me dream. I have always been passionate about these destinations, the pace of life is different, landscapes obviously touch me in a particular way. I like this vegetation,this luxuriance and at the same time the calm that emerges from it. This is reflected in the landscapes I create for Ananbô.

Can you tell me about the technical process of creation,chromatic research, production sites…

My eye, my sensitivity are found in each of the sets I draw. At the beginning of the process of creation, there is always a trip or the idea of a trip, what I would like it to look like, a vision for sure a little enchanting. The landscape is set up, elements are added to it (animals, characters, architectural elements …), then comes the moment when the decor painter gives life to my sketch. The hand of the artist, the brushstrokes, the transparencies are essential to create the Ananbô landscapes.

The painted decor is digitized. Then begins the long and meticulous work of retouching: rebalancing the decor’s style, adding elements, looking for nuances…

The printing of our decorations is made in Bordeaux, it is a small workshop where everything is implemented so that the result is perfect.The print medium, matte paper, brings elegance and refinement to the set. We chose this support for its visual aspect as well as the simplicity of its installation. The inks used are Latex inks, solvent free, complying with REACH European standards. The strips are cut manually and each decoration is subject to a thorough quality control before being shipped.

Anne Boghossian
Founder of La Maison Ananbô

If you had to define the spirit of your collections?

Surprising, refined, distant, tropical, drawn, delicate, elegant… theatrical. The Ananbô spirit is inspired from a nineteenth century French passion, the passion of distant journeys…

Ananbô is a family business. Can you tel me bit more ?

To me, creating a family business was a way of giving lasting power to what started as an idea in my own mind. Today, Ananbô is firmly established and I know that it has a bright future ahead of it. The whole family takes part in the company’s activity. Our chief concern is preserving the Ananbô spirit while making sure that it offers the best for our clients.

«At the start of the creative process, there is always a journey or the idea of ​​a journey, which I would like it to look like»

Ananbô is a family business. Can you tel me bit more ?

To me, creating a family business was a way of giving lasting power to what started as an idea in my own mind. Today, Ananbô is firmly established and I know that it has a bright future ahead of it. The whole family takes part in the company’s activity. Our chief concern is preserving the Ananbô spirit while making sure that it offers the best for our clients.

How many motives and proposals are there?

Today we have about 150 models without including variations of colors.

We also offer a textile collection, wall hangings and linen cushion covers.

Is there a difference between «panoramas » and «decorative panels » ? Which one of the two best describes Ananbô wallpapers ?

To me, the word « panorama » refers to a wide landscape that unfolds before the eyes. In this sense, Ananbô creates panoramas. Decorative panels are decorative elements with smaller dimensions, like a portrait, a large painting, or woodwork.

What does the name Ananbô mean ?

Ananbô is both something very personal and a business that caters to the imagination of all those who are passionate about decors, landcapes, drawings.
I therefore wanted above all to create a name that awakens the imagination; I created it by playing freely with sound from my name and what made me dream.

Panoramas had great success in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They were present in every big mansion. Can they now reach a wider clientele through larger scale production?

Concerning Ananbô, I do not think it is a wider clientele, but rather a traveler clientele, curious and demanding. Today, even though we ship our sets all around the world, our production remains very confidential. This is an exceptional product, printed on order for customers who love beautiful things…

Chaque pièce est un voyage...

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